This sugar-free mojito is the reigning antioxidant queen when it comes to the skin-brightening cocktails created at Milk Punch Media.
It’s the signature drink that started our Beauty + Booze revolution!
Antioxidant-rich fresh blueberries and hibiscus tea mingle with muddled mint in summer’s most refreshing rum drink, then topped with pink sparkling wine. What’s not to absolutely love?
The best cocktails in the home bar start on the stovetop, so first brew blueberry hibiscus tea and make a simple syrup with equal parts tea and natural stevia powder. It’s true that stevia can be bitter, but not here, we promise!
Anyone can make this mojito (you build it) as long as there’s fresh mint, a muddler and a few highball glasses. Mojitos are just better topped with boozy bubbles rather than club soda. This beauty queen is topped with sparkling rosé!
Is it mojito season yet?
The only “rule” we have when it comes to embracing the beauty+ booze concept: eat your garnishes! Blueberries are a superfood with numerous health benefits. Healthy skin is the bonus side effect, so eat your garnishes, eat the blueberries!
It's the cocktail that started our Beauty + Booze revolution!
The wonderful woo-woo news:
Little did I know when I first shared my blueberry hibiscus mojito creation on instagram that hibiscus tea had scored off the charts in ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity), a lab test that measures and ranks antioxidant capacity of foods.
Hibiscus ranks twice as high in antioxidants as matcha?
Cheers to that!

written by
Melissa Townsend
Founder and fearless leader of the Milk Punch Media pack, Melissa makes a mean espresso martini. She’s also silently correcting your grammar.