Crafted variations on a classic Pimm’s Cup
May 24, 2019 :: Lightly effervescent, slightly bitter, with hints of lemon and cucumber––it’s honestly hard to pin down just one thing that makes a Pimm’s Cup such an ideal summer refresher.
May 24, 2019 :: Lightly effervescent, slightly bitter, with hints of lemon and cucumber––it’s honestly hard to pin down just one thing that makes a Pimm’s Cup such an ideal summer refresher.
classic cocktails, Copper Vine, Hendricks Gin, Jewel of the South, Longway Tavern, Nola drinks, Pimm's Cup, Pool drinks, The Napoleon House
June 20, 2021 :: Created in the 1800s on Royal Street at the Sazerac Coffee House, the Sazerac is the Official Cocktail of New Orleans.
classic cocktails, Jewel of the South, Nola cocktails, sazerac, stirred and boozy, The Sazerac House, whiskey
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