The bottles of bubbly to pop on Turkey Day
November 23, 2020 :: Raise a toast to a terrible year with a magnum of Champagne! Needless to say, in the midst of ever-changing...
November 23, 2020 :: Raise a toast to a terrible year with a magnum of Champagne! Needless to say, in the midst of ever-changing...
blanc de noirs, Crystal Hinds, Doris Metropolitan, Effervescence, Melissa Rogers, sparkling rosé, Thanksgiving, wine pairing
November 23, 2020 :: Justine bartender Kimberly Patton-Bragg shares her big-batch Thanksgiving cocktail recipes
batch cocktails, French Quarter, Justine, Kimberly Patton-Bragg, pumpkin butter, tequila, Thanksgiving
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